Cash Drawer Triggers
We Designed :
versatile, flexible, efficient
more than just a device to
trigger cash drawer to open
open cash drawer with printer & manual push button
Printer+Push Button Cash Drawer Trigger
AT10ME-PB Push Button Cash Drawer Trigger
in conjunction,
auto open cash drawer with printer +
manual open with push button
open cash drawer from Android App without EPOS
UnLock Smart Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger
AT10B3-86201 AcodeTrigger App + Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger
open cash drawer from software via bluetooth
can operate as standalone unit
support Android, open with mobile phone or tablet
Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger
AT10B3 Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger
open cash drawer via bluetooth
support Android, Windows 10, macOS
USB Type-C
USB Cash Drawer Trigger
AT10U3 USB Cash Drawer Trigger
open cash drawer in Android, Windows 11, macOS
no external OTG adaptor needed (Android)
USB Type-C
Open Cash Drawer with Printer + Push Button / Bluetooth
2-in-1 Cash Drawer Trigger
BUDDY Series
Printer Push Button
Printer Bluetooth
Open Cash Drawer in Android, Windows, macOS without Printer
USB or Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger
Manual Open Cash Drawer without Printer
Push Button Cash Drawer Trigger
Open Cash Drawer from Software via Bluetooth Connection
UnLock Smart Series Cash Drawer Trigger + Android App
Auto Open Cash Drawer in Loyverse POS for Android without Printer
USB Type-C Cash Drawer Trigger
What is a Cash Drawer Trigger ?
What is a cash drawer trigger ?
A cash drawer trigger is a device that allows you to open cash drawer without connecting to a POS receipt printer, can be used independently with your POS application. Commonly, auto open of cash drawer is controlled by POS receipt printer. After a sales receipt is printed, the cash drawer will open automatically. But if user wants to open cash drawer without printing a receipt or without making a sale such as making a refund to customer, he/she can use a cash drawer trigger to fulfill the task. POS System runs on different operating system such as Windows and Android, different cash drawer trigger interfaces are created and made available to meet customers’ demands.
How to Auto Open Cash Drawer with Printer and Manual Open with Push Button, In Conjunction ?
Possible to open my cash drawer after printing a sales receipt as well as outside of a sale such as making a refund to customer ?
Yes, you can use AT10ME Cash Drawer Trigger, an easy way to open cash drawer without making a sales transaction.
You can have 2 options to open your cash drawer :
1) trigger open from your POS receipt printer after a sales transaction and printing a receipt OR
2) trigger open by a push button to open cash drawer for a NO Sale, without a sales transaction
Direct Connect Cash Drawer to Android Mobile Device
How do I connect my cash drawer to my Android tablet, without linking to my receipt printer ?
You can use AT10U3 Android USB Cash Drawer Trigger. It allows direct connection to your android tablet or mobile phone to open cash drawer without printer, provides stable connection and fast data communication. NO external power supply and OTG adapter needed.
PAS-AT10U3 Cash Dawer Trigger & AcodeTrigger App Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can use AT10B3-86201 UnLock Smart Bluetooth Cash Drawer Trigger to open cash drawer when taking cash payment or making a cash refund to customers. It is easy to setup, just connect the Bluetooth Drawer Trigger to your own mobile device, install and complete settings of the AcodeTrigger App (Android). You can also setup a password to open cash drawer. The AcodeTrigger App is user friendl, the App does not involve with any other systems, it operates as a standalone unit, be able to run independently, without EPOS.